I'd like to say that I haven't blogged because I was too busy, but that's not the case. Rather, that
is the case, but it doesn't seem like it. For the past week, I have mostly stayed at home, in my room. Busy. "With what?" you ask. With facebook! And skype! And... writing letters! And....... reading! And............... sometimes taking a walk to the shore! And.........................
Going for a walk on the shore. |
The highlights of this week have been talking to and bonding with Arna (she's amazing, my NZ mom!), going car hunting with Danny (we even polished our buffalo guns but to no avail, though we had a very nice time getting to know each other in the few hours we spent together), feeling like part of the family with everyone over for meals (especially for pancakes!! I love pancakes), and sitting on the shore, watching the water (why is it so therapeutic and never boring?). Also, I got to play uke and egg and sing with Danny and Katherine for worship in Church on Sunday. It was awesome. So far, restoration has been started in areas that I didn't know needed restoration, as well as in areas that I did know about. Good. I need that!
A very clever picture of Arna taking a picture of me. |
I'd be lying if I told you everything has been easy peasy, though. Of course, as I've moved across the earth from almost everything and everyone I know, I've had times when I've felt alone and lost. And those times are no fun. The thoughts that come into my head are, "What have I done? Why am I here? And why haven't I moved on to getting a car and getting a job? Why haven't I made friends here yet?" etc. etc. It's hard. But usually by the end of the evening, Arna has made me feel better or I've gotten to talk to friends on skype or facebook or Holy Spirit finally gets it through my head to RELAX. Ha.
Speaking of relaxing, that's really what He keeps telling me to do. "Sarah, you really need to relax. Yes, you think it'd be nice to have a car already. And yes, you feel the pressure of your concept of responsibility to be out there at a job. But you've given yourself to Me and I'm controlling the timing. And I'm going to keep you here,
right here, until you relax." After He tells this to me, I groan and say, "Fine!" which really isn't relaxing, and I know it. Oh well.
Left to right: Arna, Peter, Danny (my brother),
Glenn, and Debbie. |
But that's an unfair picture I just painted for you. There have been times when I've been able to relax very well, and they're becoming more and more often. Do you realize how important it is that we relax? It's so important! Granted, relaxing is crazy hard to do sometimes, but I'd wager that we have the opportunity to do it a lot more than we think we do. "I have a stressful job," "I don't have money," "I'm just going through a lot right now," are excuses that are common (that I've used many times). Well, maybe your job wouldn't be so stressful if you relaxed as much as you can on your end. Maybe your relaxation will influence others to relax as well, thereby making the environment less stressful. Stress gives of pheromones, you know. Clear those stress pheromones out of the air! And maybe stressing about not having money doesn't do any good. Maybe a calm and relaxed approach to looking for a way to earn money would be more efficient and less unpleasant. Besides, who would want to hire someone into their (possibly) stressful environment who's already stressed? Relaxed people are more attractive, and you know it (so does your potential employer). And maybe, just maybe, if you relax more in what you're going through (whether you have ANY ounce of control over it or not... if you
can relax), a relaxed state of mind is much more able to handle difficult and hellish times.
"But how can I relax?! If I do, everything is going to fall apart!!" Yeah, that's what I said, too. And my question in response to yours: Is it, though?
When I rode horses weekly, I learned a lot about relaxing
while maintaining control of the horse. If you're all tense as you try to ride, your horse will sense it and will mimic it--it's what they do. There were countless times when I was trying (and failing) to cue the horse to do something but would get frustrated. Then the horse would get frustrated (mimicking me). Then I'd get
more frustrated. And so would the horse. We would get more and more tense, till finally my instructor would have to yell at me to relax and let go of the tension. See, tension is NOT a good ruler. It really doesn't get anything good done. Once I would finally relax for a while and regain my composure (the horse, as well), we'd try again, and eventually get it. See? Being relaxed, you'll be much more able to get things done (or get through things) than if you hang onto the tension. You'll be healthier, too. (Yes, I realize I sound like a hippy. But come on, you've got to see my point.)
The tide is out. When it's in, the water meets the cliffs. |
Ha, I really didn't know this was going to turn into a sermon. Oh well. I hope you enjoyed it!
May peace and rest find you and cover you in a cozy snuggy, wherever you are and in whatever you're going through. Thanks for reading,
Thanks for the mini sermon. I needed that. I can't manage my own life but I sometimes forget this and try to do everything myself anyways. But I need to remember to just relax and let God be in charge. My life works out so much better when I let God be God. Relaxing isn't easy for me, but it's worth it.